Text to Speech

Text to Speech

Select Voice








Just type or paste your text on above box and click on "speak" button to listen it. A software will give rest to your eye's and make your work easy and fast. Just paste your text here in above box and it will read it for you.


A text to Speech software is able to read text and you will heard what is saying. Technology going smarter at every new day. Just set your desired speed and select voice type and you will be able to enjoy listening of the text without reading it.

The Text to Speech software works efficiently and read accurately, the pronunciations it makes is available in no. of tones.

Text to speech Languages

The text-to-speech tool supports many languages including - English, Hindi, Deutsch, Espanola, Francis,  Bahasa Indonesia, Portuguese, Italian and many more. You can set your desired language and voice and male or female voice version also available for selected languages. 

How to convert text into speech

1. Firstly paste or type the passage in above text box which one you want to listen.

2. Now select the language and voice options from dropdown box. English and Hindi language available in many accent and male or female versions.

3. You can set desired volume, rate (speed of speech) and pitch.

4. Make sure you have activate your headphone or speaker.

5. Now click on Speak button, you can hear the text.

6. You can use more controls like pause, resume and cancel etc.